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橄榄球,球类运动的一种,盛行于英国、新西兰、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本等国家。因其球形似橄榄,在中国称为橄榄球。那么你知道橄榄球用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来橄榄球的英语说法,欢迎大家学习。橄榄球的英语说法1:Rugby橄榄球的英语说法2:American football橄榄球相关英语表达:国家橄榄球联盟 National Football League美国橄榄球联盟 National Football League沙滩橄榄球 Beach rugby橄榄球场 rugby field橄榄球竞赛 The Football Game澳式橄榄球 Australian Rules Football橄榄球的英语例句:1. The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws.陪审团裁决全国橄榄球联盟触犯了反垄断法。2. Australian rugby league enjoys a huge following in New Zealand.澳大利亚橄榄球联盟在新西兰有众多支持者。3. Australia’s rugby union side enjoyed a record-breaking win over France.澳大利亚的英式橄榄球联盟队创纪录地赢了法国队。4. I ghosted his weekly rugby column for the Telegraph.我为他代写《电讯报》每周的橄榄球专栏。5. Two blocks beyond our school was a field where boys played football.离我们学校两个街区远的地方有个男孩们玩橄榄球的球场。6. Lining a corridor is a wall of photographs spanning his rugby days.走廊的一面墙上贴满了他橄榄球生涯里各个时期的照片。7. His audience consists predominantly of groups of rugby-club revellers.他的观众主要是橄榄球俱乐部里那些纵酒作乐的人。8. The players can advertise baked beans, but not rugby boots.球员可以给烤菜豆做广告,但不能代言橄榄球靴。9. Some speakers argued that boxing was less dangerous than rugby.一些发言者认为拳击的危险性比橄榄球运动小。10. The team has accustomed itself to the pace of first division rugby.球队适应了英式橄榄球甲级联赛的节奏。11. This year’snational college football championship was won by Princeton.今年全国高校橄榄球锦标赛的冠军是普林斯顿队。12. Rugby’s a rough game at the best of times.即使是在比赛最不激烈的时候,橄榄球也是一种粗野的运动。13. We played rugger together at College.我们上大学时一起玩过橄榄球。14. They have played an expansive style of rugby.他们采用向外展开打法打了一场橄榄球。15. He skippered the second Rugby XV.他担任了橄榄球15人联队的第二任队长。




橄榄球运动起源于19世纪的英国,英文为Rugby Football。最初橄榄球运动只在英国上层社会开展,被称为“贵族运动”、“绅士的游戏”。以下是我分享给大家的关于打橄榄球的英文,希望能给大家带来帮助! 打橄榄球的英文:play rugbyplay footballPlaying footballRugby打橄榄球的短语喜欢打橄榄球 Like to play football ; I like playing rugby踢足球/打橄榄球 paly football我的爱好是打橄榄球 My hobbies are playing rugby ; My hobbies are playing football打橄榄球和羽毛球 play rugby and badminton打曲棍球/橄榄球 play hockey/rugby包含橄榄球的英文单词:橄榄球football橄榄球僵尸Football Zombie(植物大战僵尸中的角色。)美式橄榄球American football橄榄球头盔football helmet英式橄榄球rugger美国橄榄球超级杯大赛super bowl触身式橄榄球touch football打橄榄球的双语例句:1、非常喜欢,我原来想打橄榄球,但现在我非常喜欢教练工作,我很高兴。Very much. I wanted to play football. But I like coaching very much. I'm very happy.2、乔治.卡林:“ 打橄榄球的目的是要向前冲,突破敌人的领地,进入到终点区。GEORGE CARLIN: " The object in football is to march downfield and penetrate enemy territory and get into the end zone.3、我来自匹兹堡地区,所以我非常热爱职业运动员,尤其是那些打橄榄球的。I'm from the Pittsburgh area, so I have no small love for professional athletes—particularly those who play football.4、非常喜欢,我原来想打橄榄球,但现在我非常喜欢教练工作,我很高兴。I wanted to play football. But I like coaching very much.5、索普回答说,“打橄榄球怎么会受伤呢?””Thorpe said,“How could anyone get hurt playing football?”6、在大学打橄榄球,我只有五尺七。I played rugby in college, and I'm only five-foot-seven.7、杰克:是的,我以前打橄榄球?Jake: Yeah. I used to play football.8、当你打橄榄球时,是打什么位置的?When you played football, what position did you play?9、澳大利亚人热衷于打橄榄球,球员叫彼此做“mates”。Australians are famous for playing rugby and calling each-other “mates”.10、打橄榄球讲究的是技术,而打棒球则富有田园意味。Football is technological. Baseball is pastoral.11、打橄榄球,你得戴上一顶头盔,而打棒球,你只需戴一顶帽子就行了 。In football, you wear a helmet. In baseball you wear a cap!12、他是一位打橄榄球的高手。He is a whizz at football.13、我喜欢打橄榄球。I enjoy playing rugby.14、在高中时我打橄榄球。In high school I played football.15、谁喜欢打橄榄球?Who likes to play rugby?16、当你打橄榄球时,是打位置的?When you played football, what position did you play?17、是的,我以前打橄榄球。打橄榄球,在哪儿?Yeah. I used to play football. Football! where?18、中学时我打橄榄球。In high school I played football.19、当我还是个孩子时我想去打橄榄球。I wanted to play football ever since I was a kid.20、福尔斯特:大学生活过得真快,而我一直在打橄榄球。Forrest: College ran by real fast 'cause I played so much football.21、年轻时候的布朗在打橄榄球时,视网膜脱落。他养伤的数周里呆在漆黑的屋子里。In his youth he suffered a detached retina playing rugby. He spent weeks in a darkened room as he recuperated.22、年轻时候的布朗在打橄榄球时,视网膜脱落。他养伤的数周里呆在漆黑的屋子里。In his youth he suffered a detached retina playing rugby. He spent weeks in a darkened room as he recuperated.打橄榄球的英文相关文章:1. 橄榄球用英语怎么说 2. “橄榄球”球规


“橄榄球”的英语单词:rugby读法:英 ['rʌgbɪ]  美 ['rʌɡbi]释义:n. 英式橄榄球;拉格比(英格兰中部的城市)rugby pitch榄球场rugby field橄榄球场Rugby Nations橄榄球大赛International Rugby国际橄榄球例句:1、But at here at Yale, I played rugby for a while.但在这儿,在耶鲁,我打了一阵橄榄球。2、If you think of two towns down here, Brive,b-r-i-v-e,famous for its rugby, and Tulle,t-u-l-l-e,which is a capital.如果你可以想起来这儿的两个城镇,布瑞福,b-r-i-v-e,以英式橄榄球运动而负有盛名,图勒,t-u-l-l-e,是一个省的首府。扩展资料相关球类的英文表示方法:volleyball 排球tennis 网球football 足球basketball 篮球handball 手球hockey 曲棍球golf 高尔夫球cricket 板球ice hockey 冰球baseball 棒球softball 垒球
橄榄球的英语单词是rugby,详细信息如下: rugby英 [ˈrʌgbi] 美 [ˈrʌɡbi]n.英式橄榄球;橄榄球运动;拉格比市(英格兰中部的城市)例句:At school I boxed and played rugby在学校时我既打拳击又玩橄榄球。The players can advertise baked beans, but not rugby boots 球员可以给烤菜豆做广告,但不能代言橄榄球靴。
Amercian football (美式橄榄球), rugby(澳洲橄榄球)


这个一般情况下是指足球的朋友。 以下是来自百度百科对橄榄球的解释:橄榄球,球类运动的一种,盛行于英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、日本等国家。1823年起源于英国拉格比,原名拉格比足球,简称拉格比。 因其球形似橄榄,在中国称为橄榄球。拉格比是英国中部的一座城市,那里有一所拉格比学校,它是橄榄球运动的诞生地。联合式橄榄球(Rugby union),亦称Rugby football,英文简称为Rugby,中国亦译为英式橄榄球,同样使用橄榄形球的联盟式橄榄球(Rugby League)、美式足球(American football,亦称美式橄榄球) 、加拿大式足球(Canadian football,加式橄榄球)、澳式足球(Australian football)、盖尔式足球(Gaelic football,亦称爱尔兰式橄榄球)因为是衍生的橄榄球(足球)运动,

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